
CIM Expert
Our team is made up of the industry’s most experienced and knowledgeable professionals who are dedicated to working with our customers to solve the challenges you face in designing cores for your projects. We strive every day to exceed our customer’s expectations and want to be your one-source solutions provider for precision ceramic cores.
Our experts are dedicated to develop customer-specific solutions. The know-how in materials engineering and industrial design allow us to support new challenges requested of our customers.
Salentec is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company meeting stringent manufacturing requirements. We provide precision ceramic cores for investment casting of high-performance parts for mainly the aerospace, gas turbine, medical, industrial, and automotive markets. However, we stand ready to meet your ceramic core needs for investment casting products in any industry.

First spin-off
University of Lecce
Laboratory setup

Move to a new

Quality certification

New production
of ceramic core

Dott. Antonio Licciulli
Company co-founder &
Chief Innovation Officer

Ing. Antonio Chiechi
Company co-founder &
Chief Production Officer

Dott.ssa Daniela Diso
Company co-founder &
Chief Quality Officer

Ing. Maurizio Fersini
Company co-founder &
Chief Technology Officer

Ing. Sergio Franza
Company co-founder &
Chief Operating Officer